Galanthus nivalis (snowdrops) in my back garden
Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) in my garden last week!

I've heard so many times people telling me "we're not gardeners" and they're selling themselves short.

It became apparent that some people self identify as gardeners and some don't.  Do us enthusiasts create these carriers by making it an "opt in" contract?  I have friends who say they're not gardeners but they enjoy their outside space.  They maintain it. They grow and share food in it.  They escape to it. Yet they don't feel they can call themselves a gardeners.

It's no surprise why when you've caught the gardening bug why you would want to be in a club.  But the problem with clubs is that they can soon become exclusive. From the outside in people think they need a level of prerequisite knowledge to join.  Outsiders feel they may be judged if they join without an invite.  

Rather than enjoying the process for what it is, many may focus on their lack of competence and allow it to affect their enjoyment.  If you can enjoy the feeling of soil between your fingers, experience the scents and observe wildlife we share our spaces with, you've got the whole thing cracked! You don't need to be a gardener for that.